The night time history traces for December were essentially event free with the exception of the night commencing the 27th Dec.. At 23:30hrs  high levels of noise 60-70dBA are experienced with a high frequency content unlikely to be locally sourced.  The noise subsides after 20 minutes and then spikes again at 00:15hrs.  The source is most likely to be a vent on Wilton Site.

Whilst the monitor continues to perform satisfactorily the real time data is still not available (although rarely used).  Investigations are continuing to find a suitable replacement monitoring system.  Most seem heavily focussed on realtime data and analysis which is not altogether appropriate for Wilton Site.


COMMENTS 9/12/23

The server used to host the Wilton Noise Monitor website is currently out of service following discontinued support from BT after their takeover of Plusnet.  A temporary server has been set up to access the main noise data, available at www.gtacoustics.co.uk.   Please be aware however that real time data is not currently available although retrospective time history and frequency spectrograms can be arranged on request.

Noise levels at Lazenby Grange Estate were normal for November with a possible 45 minute disturbance occurring at 23:30 hrs on 30/11/23.  It is possible that this could be a local noise source.


COMMENTS 7/11/23

No significant noise events during October.  Most of the variation in the noise traces can be attributed to the weather - wind and rain.  The triggered audio recordings were mostly due to heavy rain notable exceptions being a clear audio recording of a tawny owl, helicopter and of course fireworks.


COMMENTS 1/10/23

The noise monitor continues to perform well on Lazenby Grange Estate with minimal intervention.
Whilst the time history traces show some suspicious variation during September, all the triggered audio recordings were of external sources mostly heavy rain.



The noise monitor is performing well in its new location on Grange Estate..  Since this serves the original intent of monitoring within the local residential areas, it is proposed to continue monitoring at this location. 

All triggered events during August were off site sources except that the Wilton Site alarms triggered the monitor in the early hours of 10/8/23.  The nighttime time history traces show little disturbance throughout the month with the possible exception of the night of 19/8/23 when significant variation occurred during the night.  This variation may well have been weather related.



 The noise monitor has been moved back into the local community at Lazenby Grange Estate where it is has been operating without issues.  It was always intended that the monitor should operate within the local community but no suitable site was available until recently.  There is a good case to be made for leaving the monitor in its present location.

Untransmitted data was recovered for several days immediately prior to the removal from the gatehouse and added to the June/July records.  Time history records for the new location have been added dating from 8/7/23.

The time traces indicate that an incident occurred in the early hours of the 9th July, starting at 00:00 with a duration of 2 hours.  The noise frequency range suggests that this was a venting noise.  Otherwise the period was incident free.



Communication issues at the South Gatehouse have resulted in a loss of data after the 16th June.  A LAN connection is still awaited.  All enquiries regarding the status of the proposed connection have not been answered.  The monitor has therefore been removed and will be temporarily installed at an available location in the community.  It is possible that the relocation will be made permanent if connection issues are not resolved.

There were no significant night-time incidents during the period 4-16 June when the monitor was operational.



Wilton Site noise levels for May and early June were in line with expectations but there appeared to be an extended noise incident starting in the early hours of the 4th June and continuing with some variability during the night time recording period.   The time history for the 4th of June can be compared with previous nights whcih show levels 10+ dB higher than normal .  A spectral analysis indicates the main fequencies involved are broadly in the range from 200 Hz to 2kHz.  It is believed that the noise is consistent with vent noise.



There is no evidence of significant night-time noise events during April 2023.  To date, the cumulative noise level distribution curves show an increase of about 1 dB above 2022 levels.
Past experience has shown however, that the night-time noise levels reduce during the summer months and, as time progresses, there is now some evidence of convergence between the 2023 and 2022 noise levels.



The night-time noise traces show no evidence of any significant noise events occurring during March 2023.



The overall levels are still showing an increase of about 1dB+ over those in 2022. 
During February there were two distinct noise events and one night of unusual variability which may also result from a noise event.  These were:
Night time noise levels unusually variable on the night commencing 16/2/23 - possible noise incident.
Significant incident (+10dB) started at 22:25 on 22/2/23 and continued until 09:00 on the 23/2/23.  Appeared to be of high frequency 1-2 kHz.  Venting?
Incident lasting approximately 45 minutes started at 00:50 on 28/2/23.



During January the monitor communication problems lessened but connection was still erratic.  The mobile phone network is still in use whilst awaiting a LAN connection.

The cumulative distribution charts appear to indicate an increase in noise levels of about 1.5 - 2dB  but this may be due to the January wind conditions.  Past records suggest higher levels in the early months of  the year are normal.   The time histories show no evidence of disturbance during the night-time monitoring period