COMMENTS 10/1/25
The noise level distribution curves for 2024 are almost exactly coincident with those of 2023 showing that the night time ambient noise levels on Grange Estate remain unchanged from 2023. There has been little night time disturbance from incident noise throughout the year.
COMMENTS 4/12/24
There were no noise incidents recorded during the night time period in November. The noise distribution curves show a minor fall in level when compared with 2023.
COMMENTS 7/11/24
Overall the sound level distribution curves are showing a small decrease in the noise levels on Lazenby Grange Estate.
There are several short incidents apparent on the traces which all exhibited a similar frequency range around 1-2 kHz although on the 16/10/24 the high levels extended to very high frequencies in excess of 10kHz. Frequencies as high as this are almost certainly not emanating from Wilton Site due to the very high air absorption that occurs at high frequency. It has been possible to retrieve audio files which were triggered by these events and rain has been identified as the source. Rain has been found to be the source of all the apparent incidents during October.
COMMENTS 7/10/24
There was some disturbance commencing at approximately 03:00 hrs on 17/9/24 and peaking just before 05:00hrs at 60 dBA. The source has not been identified but there are similarities to that experienced on the 9/7/24 which was thought to be helicopter noise. Otherwise noise levels were normal throughout September
Environmental noise levels at Grange Estate were normal throughout August with only one stand out event which occurred at 01:00 on 15/8/24. See below. Unless there was a significant event on Wilton then this is most likely to be local - possibly vehicle generated.
COMMENTS 10/8/24
The environmental noise measured on Grange Estate remains unchanged. There was significant noise disturbance during the night commencing 9th July 2024 but this has been identified as due to helicopter activity.
There was also a car crash close to the monitor at 04:06 hrs on 4th Aug 24 which can be observed on the traces below. The crash clearly initiated an alarm with a fundamental frequency of about 1kHz.
COMMENTS 10/7/24
The cumulative distribution charts for night-time L90(background) and L50(mean) noise levels are almost exactly coincident indicating no change in the noise levels on Grange Estate between 2023 and 2024. The time histories throughout July show little evidence of disturbance from Wilton Site with the possible exception of the early hours of 3/7/24.
Please note that server hosting the web site was destroyed by a lightning strike on 9/7/24 and so the web site will be unavailable until the server is replaced and the web site rebuilt.
The night time noise levels on Grange Estate were for the most part normal and without notable incident until 29/May when there was a significant increase in the level of about 10 dB. This is due to the presence of an additional noise source operating in the 150 - 750Hz range. It is clearly visible in the frequency pictograms below. (The high frequency noise starting shortly after 03:30 is the dawn chorus.)
There were some unusual night time traces during Week 14 but after investigation these were attributed to long periods of heavy rain and the effects of wind. A suspected incident at 00:30 on 9/4/24 was most likely bird noise whereas a suspected incident at 00:30 on 27/4/24 was almost certainly a local home or car alarm.
There does appear to be a small increase in noise of about 1dB displayed on the noise distribution curves but this is within the bounds of normal variability.
No evidence of noise incidents during March and the noise distribution curves closely match those of 2023. The dawn chorus increases as the month advances.
A noise complaint was received on the 27th February. Examination of the time history and frequency charts indicates that the noise levels were elevated at the start of monitoring at 23:00 on 26/2/24 and then decreased to normal levels at 01:00 on 27/2/24. The high level coincides with low frequency tones at around 35 Hz. Whilst tones of this frequency are not generally an issue some people are susceptible to low frequency noise and there will possibly be associated harmonics which are audible. The low frequency tone stops abruptly at 01:00 on the 27th Feb. It is likely that this abrupt cessation results from the shut down of a major piece of kit - possibly a large fan.
In general the noise levels in February were back to normal although the traces did show evidenc of weather effects throughout the month.
Data recorded during January appears to show show a significant deterioration in the environmental noise levels on Lazenby Grange Estate (+2dB), however, it is believed that this is due entirely to the adverse weather during this period. There is no obvious evidence of noise incidents from Wilton Site.
There have been reports from a resident of a whirring noise that is keeping hm awake. This is being investigated.